We deliver high-quality weather show content
Weather - Check
Weather - Check
is a PR tool that ensures unique and incomparable media attention.
Since more than 15 Years we supply a number of TV stations and online portals throughout Europe with video-edited weather images from selected regions and destinations produced by video experts.
We place the daily updated footage via our cultivated personal editorial contacts in as many editorial contacts in as many TV and online weather shows as possible throughout Europe and ensure minimum coverage of 10 Mil. Users.
Weather - Reportage
The Weather - Report focuses on a high-reach TV partner, coordinates a moderated on-site weather presentation at an ideal time for both sides (medium and destination) and in this way creates a weather reportage or outdoor weather show that is more extensive in terms of time and much more efficient in terms of image value.
The weather section images produced by us are placed editorially in as many European TV and online weather shows as possible one day after the weather report - similar to the weather check - to ensure the greatest possible success of the campaign in terms of both quality and quantity.
Weather - Journey
In close organizational coordination with large international/national media companies and selected tourist destinations, WeatherContent conducts weather trips at irregular intervals and communicates the special features of the respective destinations in several daily stages and locally designed, moderated outdoor weather shows.
On request and in close coordination with the marketing departments of tourist destinations, we reinforce the production of video footage material, which is usually carried out annually by picture agencies at the start of a new season, with international/national media placement of daily motif highlights in TV and online weather shows as well as other editorial resorts. In doing so, we focus on sales activities and the qualities of our Europe-wide editorial network.
Accompanying media cooperations
About us
The QYINT WeatherContent team is made up of media experts with a wide range of skills who share a passion for weather, tourism and communication. Thomas Weninger, who launched TV and online weather communication in 2007 with the annual International Weather Summitwww.wettergipfel.atis considered the creative head of WeatherContent and supports the team with his extensive know-how, many years of experience and a top-class international network. On the production side, WeatherContent has gathered a large number of top-class video producers in Europe and around the world.
The Weathercontent team
Noah Weninger
Maschinenmeister | Geschäftsführer
Nico Madritsch
Destinations-Freund | Prokurist
Thomas Weninger
Are you interested in our services?
Contact us anytime:
Mail: office@weathercontent.com or contact form